LBH dayglow emissions in the ionosphere,produced by the photoelectrons impact on the nitrogen molecules,are the most prominent molecular signals in the far ultraviolet emission range.Imaging the LBH dayglow emissions from the space can be a powerful method to monitor the state of the upper atmosphere.We analyze the spectral characteristics of the LBH emissions according to the direct excitation theory and the spherical geometry,and give a revised method to calculate the column emission rates of the LBH dayglow emissions for the large field of view.The RAURIC mainly improves two limitations of AURIC;one is the definition of the observation zenith angle,and the other is treating the Solar Zenith Angle as a variable along the LOS direction.With this method,we calculate the column emission rates of the LBH bands in therange of 140~180nm.Comparison of the results of RAURIC with AURIC shows that they have great agreement in nadir,while in other lines of sight we should use RAURIC,especially for the large field of view.Thus,this work builds a solid basis for simulating the image of ionospheric LBH dayglow emissions and the data inversion technique.