In November 2011, a new virus was detected in a small town named Schmallenberg which located in the west of Germany. So the virus was named "Schmallenberg virus" for it's first detection position. The virus can infect cattle, goats, sheep, and cause fever, diarrhea, premature delivery or dystocia. Then the disease was confirmed in other European Union countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain. At present stage, the number of infected cattle and sheep continue to rise due to lack of effective vaccine. So the new virus caused worldwide attention. To provide useful inforrnations for import and export quarantine department and animal intro- duction workers, the harm and snread of SehmAllenh~r~ vlnl~ in F, urnn~ w~ rl,~o~,~,~d d,~t~l,~Al., ;n th;