散枝猪毛菜(Salsola bracchita)主要分布于新疆准噶尔荒漠,具有很强的抗干旱和抗盐碱能力。该文对散枝猪毛菜的果实进行了观察,表明散枝猪毛菜具有4种类型的散布单位和果实,这4种果实在形状、大小、颜色和着生方式上均有显著差异。A型果实绿色、球形、大,着生方式为横生,宿存花被革质,背部有紫红色翅状附属物,直径为(2.161±0.138)mm,单粒重为(3.810±0.113)mg;B型果实绿色、大、扁平、长圆形,着生方式为直立,宿存花被革质,背部有翅状附属物,长为(2.062±0.188)mm,宽为(1.720±0.148)mm,单粒重为(2.665±0.113)mg;C型果实绿色、大、扁平、长圆形,着生方式为直立,宿存花被膜质,背部无翅状附属物,长为(2.239±0.277)mm,宽为(1.844±0.150)mm,单粒重为(2.723±0.559)mg;D型果实黄色、小、扁平、长卵形,着生方式为直立,宿存花被膜质,背部无翅状附属物,长为(1.678±0.163)mm,宽为(1.390±0.110)mm,单粒重为(0.928±0.025)mg。A型、B型和C型种子(果实)在5℃/15℃、5℃/25℃、15℃/25℃(暗12h/光12h)变温条件下萌发率〉68%,且B型和C型种子比A型种子有较高的萌发率和萌发速率。D型种子在3种变温条件下萌发缓慢,最终萌发率始终维持在较低水平(〈20%),划破果皮和种皮能够显著提高D型种子的萌发率和萌发指数,表明D型种子处于生理休眠状态。散枝猪毛菜的种子多型性是对荒漠异质环境的一种适应。
Aims Salsola bracchita has four types of perianth-enclosed utricles,utricles and seeds.We investigated the role of utricle polymorphism in seed dispersal and germination to better understand how S.bracchita is adapted to its desert habitat.Methods Twenty plants of S.bracchita were selected randomly to observe the morphology of perianth-enclosed utricles,including persistence of perianth and wings,utricle shape and color and location of fruit on mother plant.Seeds of the four types were germinated in incubators with 12 h photoperiod and 12 h thermoperiods(dark/light)of 5 ℃/15 ℃,5 ℃/25 ℃,and 15 ℃/25 ℃ for 20 d.Type D seed was scarified and then germinated for 20 d at the three different thermoperiods to determine its dormancy characteristics.Important findings Salsola bracchita produces four types of fruits(utricles)that differ in shape,size,seed color and external structure.Type A and B fruits can be dispersed by wind far from mother plants.Germination percentages of type A seeds at all three thermoperiods were 〉70%,and there were no significant differences(p〉0.05).Germination percentages of type B seeds were all 〉68%,and there were significant differences(p〈0.05),with highest germination percentage and germination index at 5 ℃/25 ℃(dark/light)(〉80%).Type C fruits have tepals without wings and are dispersed near mother plants.Germination percentages of type C seeds were all 〉80%,and there were no significant differences(p〉0.05).Rate and final percentages of germination of type B and type C seeds were higher than that of type A seeds.Type D fruits also are mainly dispersed near mother plants.Freshly matured type D seeds are in physiological dormancy because its germination is slow and low(〈20%).Seed coat scarification of type D seeds can hasten and increase the seed germination percentage(p〈0.01)and germination index(p〈0.01)in each of the thermoperiods.