为支持虚拟企业间的协同,借鉴网格技术和网络化制造运行机制,讨论了制造网格的定义,提出了制造网格体系结构及制造网格协同制造平台模型。通过采用Globus Tookit3提供的元计算目录服务和各种组件,设计了制造网格资源管理系统,实现了制造资源的封装、发布、搜索、信任评估、优选评估等管理。结合Agent技术开发了制造网格任务管理系统,实现了制造网格制造任务的分解、分配、调度等管理。建立了应用原型,说明了制造网格平台的应用过程。
In order to support collaborative manufacturing among virtual enterprises and with reference to operation mechanism of grid technologies and net-worked manufacturing, the manufacturing grid (MGrid) architecture and the MGrid collaborative manufacturing framework were proposed. The manufacturing grid resource management system (MGRMS) and manufacturing grid task management system (MGTMS) were developed in this research. The Former, MGRMS, provides fundamental functions for remote resource encapsulating, registry, discovery and monitoring by integrating metacomputing directory service (MDS) and the other modules provides by globus; and the later, MGTMS, performs manufacturing task modeling, disassembling, distributing, scheduling and so on. Furthermore, an application prototype was presented at the end of the paper to illustrate the utiliza tion of the proposed framework.