2004年6月山东省威海石岛的渔民偶然误捕了一头须鲸,经作者鉴定,此标本系小鳁鲸(Balaenoptera acutorostrata)。主要鉴别特征:头背面的嵴明显;左右鳍肢各有一白色的横斑;有282对白色的鲸须板。同时还对其进行了较详细的观察和测量,值得一提的是此鲸存有异常现象:有一假脐,乳沟位于生殖裂后端而非生殖裂的两旁。
One minke whale was caught by bycatch in June, 2004 in Shidao, Weihai. It is a female with body length 4.28 m. Some basic measurements (biological and morphological data)of the minke whale were taken in this paper, and some unusual structures were noted: two navels, one is the false navel, and mammary slits are located in the posterior part of the genital slits.