Shrub biomass model is an important method for predicting shrub biomass. We took three shrub species in Hunshandake sandy land as the study objects, measured the biomass of 70 samples of each species. Taking D2H which is composed of plant height and basal diameter (D) as independent variables and measured biomass as the dependent variables (w) to build the regression model. At last, we selected the optimal biomass prediction model by analyzing discriminant coefficient R2 and standard errors of estimated value. The results showed that the optimal shrub biomass model of Spiraea pubescens is W = 1. 772 (D2H)0.757 the optimal shrub biomass model of O. davidiana is W = 12. 004 + 1. 006 ( D2 H) - 0.014 ( D2 H ) 2 + 0.001 ( D2 H ) 3, the optimal shrub bio- mass model of Salix gordejevii is W = 16.359 - 0.009 ( D2 H ) + 0.001 ( D2 H ) 2 - 7.415 E - 07 ( D2 H ) 3. The forecast results are good after testing the models whose fitting rate of predicable value and measured values are between 72.08 - 88.72%.