观察美白祛斑药物对强脉冲光(intensive pulse light,IPL)作用下的鼠皮黑色素的影响,探讨IPL作用下,皮肤的黑色素的增生和美白药物之间的作用关系,以期探寻美白药物在减少光子嫩肤术并发症的作用机制。以小白鼠作为研究对象,用IPL在一定的波长及能量密度照射活体小鼠皮肤,在照射后15min涂抹低浓度的维A酸霜,分别在照射后的4h、5d,用显微镜观察涂霜剂、没涂霜剂的皮肤黑色素及其周边组织的变化情况;在照射后的1d用多光子显微镜观察涂霜剂、没涂霜剂皮肤组织的变化。讨论了美白祛斑药物在光子嫩肤过程中抑制黑色素生成的过程,为如何减少光子嫩肤术并发症提供参考和借鉴。
The effects of freckle whitening drugs on mouse melanin irradiated by IPL were observed with the slices dyed by hematoxylin-eosin. With the IPL, the relation between the increase of melanin and the effect of freckle whitening drugs was discussed. The mechanism of freckle whitening drugs in reducing the complications in photo rejuvenation was expected to be found. Several groups were chosen and moulted, and then irradiated by the IPL system in vivo under certain wavelengths with certain energy densities. After 15 min, low concentrations of tretinoin ointment were smeared on the mouse skin. Then the morpholngic changes of the mouse skin were observed. The process of freckle whitening drugs inhibiting melanin in the photo rejuvenation was discussed.