Ever since the theory of color superconductivity was issued, it is likely to involve pairing between species of quarks with differing chemical potentials. For suitable values of the differences between chemical potentials, Cooper pairs with non-zero total momentum are favored, as was first realized by Larkin, Ovchinnikov, Fulde and Ferrell (LOFF). Condensates of this sort spontaneously break translational and rotational invariance, leading to gaps which vary periodically in a crystalline pattern. This article focuses on the two-flavor color superconducting phase at moderate baryon density. LOFF state is described through SU(2) NJL model. By using the mean-field approximation, N-G basis, fourier transformation, frequency summation, the thermodynamic potential and Gap equation are ohtained. Finally, the window of LOFF state is found by the numerical method.