T h is paper sets up core eiiterprisje;indepeBcient innovation n e tw o rk based on H uaw ei companys:issued patents a_bout w ireless com m unication n e tw o rk technology by U S P T O from2009to2015.,the ir citing patents and cited patents.B yuse of social n e tw o rk analysis tool U G IN E T6.Q*the paper analyses the relatio n between n e tw o rk embeddedness and independentinnovation of core enterprise and the m ediate effect o f knowledge management on the above re la tio n.The resultsof em pirical research show th a t n e tw o rk site has positive effect on independeiit innovation of co^e aaitefprise,n e tw o rk relation has negative effect on independent innovation of core enterprise,and knowledge management plays a positive mediation role in core enteEprise independent innovation n e tw o rk.