园林树种是建设生态园林城市的主体,其生态功能的定量研究是园林植物筛选、配置和管理的重要依据。本研究通过测量武汉市65个常见园林树种的光合、蒸腾日变化及冠幅、叶面积指数等指标,发现树种间、乔木与灌木、常绿与落叶植物之间的水分利用、固碳释氧、蒸腾降温及滞尘能力均有显著差异。根据分层聚类分析,可将它们划分为5大功能类群。其中低固碳低滞尘型26种;高固碳高降温型8种(分别为垂柳Sa版babylonica、火棘尸胂canthafortuneana、栾树Koelreuteria paniculata、木芙蓉Hibiscusmutabilis、枇杷Eriobotryajaponica、西府海棠Malusmicromalus、银木Cinnamomumseptentrionale和重阳木Bischofiajavanica);高滞尘低降温型9种(分别为枫杨Pterocaryastenoptera、桂花Osmanthusfragrans、夹竹桃Neriumindicum、马褂木Liriodendronchinense、石楠Photiniaserrulata、悬铃木Platanushispanica、雪松Cedrusdeodara、银杏Ginkgobiloba和樟树Cinnamomumcamphora);低水分利用高蒸腾型11种;高水分利用型11种。
Garden species are the main component in the construction of ecological garden cities. Quantitative studies on their ecological functions provide an important basis for selec- tion ,configuration,and management of garden species. In this study,we estimated water use efficiency (WUE) ,and the capacities of carbon fixation (Wco2) and oxygen release ( Wo2), temperature reduction (AT) and dust detention ( Wdust) of 65 garden species in Wuhan City by measuring the diurnal changes of photosynthesis and transpiration, and the crown width and leaf area index. The results showed there were significant differences in WUE, Wco2, Wo2,AT, and Weost among species, shrubs and trees, and deciduous and evergreen species. Based on the values of these ecological functions, the species studied were divided into five functional groups: low carbon fixation and low dust detention species (26 species), high carbon fixation and high temperature reduction species (8 species) ,high dust detention and low temperature reduction species (9 species), low water use and high transpiration species (11 species), andhigh water use species (11 species).