TIAN Qing 1976-, male, Ph.D. , his research interests include operation and maintenance of HVDC transmission system and UHV AC transmis- sion system. E-maih tianqing1976@ 163. com LIN Xiang-ning 1970-, male, Ph. D. , professor, his research inter ests include modern signal pro cessing and its applications in the power systems, power system protective, relaying and control. E-mail: linxiangning @ hotmail. com LI Jian-jian 1958-, male, Senior Engineer, his research interests include high-voltage substation equip ment, high-voltage transmission, the electromagnetic environment of power line, HVDC transmis sion systems and UHV AC transmission system. E-mail: jian-li@ sgcc. com. cn TAO Yong-hong 1976- , female, Master, her research interests include power system optimal power flow and faults analysis. E-mail : taoyonghong2006@ 163. com