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  • ISSN号:1005-1201
  • 期刊名称:《中华放射学杂志》
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:R[医药卫生]
  • 作者机构:[1]四川大学华西医院放射科,成都610041
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870687,81071204);国家“973”基础研究项目(2011CB935800)



Objective A comparison between intragate and ECG-respiration triggered techniques was performed to determine their differences in measuring the structure and function of the heart at 7.0 T. Methods Ten normal ICR mice aged five to six weeks were examined on a 7.0 T MR scanner. A central slice with papillary muscle included at the short-axis view was scanned with a FLASH-cine bright blood sequence,FLASH-cine black blood sequence, IG-FLASH-sat-cine black blood sequence, and IG-FLASH- cine bright blood sequence. The area of the left ventricle of the end systole and end diastole (including and excluding the myocardium) was measured with manually outlined ROIs. The increased area of the left ventricle and the myocardium from the end systolic to end diastolic phases was calculated. The signal intensity was measured from 8 ROIs which were evenly located at the myocardium of the end systole, and the mean and standard deviation were then determined. The coefficient of variation (CV) was derived by dividing the mean into the standard deviation. Results There was no significant difference (the increased area of the myocardium t = 0, P = 1, the increased area of the left ventricle t = 2. 12,P = 0. 06) in the function index between the ECG-triggered black blood sequences [ the increased area of the myocardium (0. 100 ± 0. 018) cm^2,tbe increased area of the left ventricle (0. 060 ± 0. 024) cm^2] and intragate black blood sequences[ the inereased area of the myoeardium (0. 090± 0. 014) cm^2, the inereased area of the left ventricle (0, 060 ±0. 012) cm^2]. No significant differenee( the inereased area of the myocardium t = 1.56, P = 0. 15, the increased area of the left ventricle t = 2.08, P = 0. 07 ) in the function index was observed between the ECG-triggered bright blood sequences [ the inereased area of the myoeardium ( 0. 100 ± 0. 018 ) cm^2, the increased area of the left ventricle (0. 060 ± 0. 014 ) cm^2] and intragate bright blood sequences [ the increased area of the myocar

  • 《中华放射学杂志》
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 主管单位:中国科协
  • 主办单位:中华医学会
  • 主编:
  • 地址:北京市东四西大街42号
  • 邮编:100710
  • 邮箱:cjr@cma.org.cn
  • 电话:010-85158384
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1005-1201
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:11-2149/R
  • 邮发代号:2-66
  • 获奖情况:
  • 中华医学会2001年优秀期刊一等奖,1992年中国科协新闻出版署优秀学术期刊三等奖,199...,中国期刊方阵“双效”期刊
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 俄罗斯文摘杂志,美国化学文摘(网络版),波兰哥白尼索引,荷兰文摘与引文数据库,荷兰医学文摘,日本日本科学技术振兴机构数据库,中国中国科技核心期刊,中国北大核心期刊(2004版),中国北大核心期刊(2008版),中国北大核心期刊(2011版),中国北大核心期刊(2014版),中国北大核心期刊(2000版)
  • 被引量:64918