Because the hydrological regime in the runoff process is the main factor affecting river ecosystem, it is necessary to study the change of runoff process before and after the construction of the Longtan Reservoir. According to the two series of daily runoff data of Tian’e station from 1980 to 2003 and 2007 to 2015 which based on the index system , Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration, the characteristics changes of the downstream hydrological regimes after the construction and operation of Longtan Reservoir were evaluated by the Range of Variability Approach through the analysis of 32 hydrologic indexe s. Calculated results show that the comprehensive change of hydrological regimes in Tian,e Station of Hongshui River is 70.49 % , which is high , and the reservoir construction has a significant effect on monthly runoff, annual extreme flow and its time of occu rren ce, flow frequency and its time delay and flow change rate and its frequency. By analyzing changes of hydrological regime caused by the dam construction, decision support can be provided for the river management departments to formulate reasonable reservoir ecological scheduling scheme.