Two cultivars-a hybrid cultivar (CCRI 75) and conventional cotton (SCRC 28)-were used for field experiments in 2012 and 2013. This study was designed to determine how cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield components at the canopy, per plant and within-boll levels were affected by planting density. As our result show, lint yield was significantly affected by planting den- sity, which can be occurred in the plant and even within the boll. Lint yield was significantly higher when 10,000 plants, hm-2 were grown in fields of 5.1 and 8.7 than in fields of 1.5. This study shows that boll retention in upper fruit nodes and outer fruit positions reduced significantly as planting density increased. Boll weight, seed area and seed number per boll decreased with in- crease in planting density. The effect of planting density on lint yield per seed was greater in the bottom and middle seed posi- tions than in the apex seed position. These findings are significant with respect to optimal planting density and eultivar breeding.