根据极限分析上限定理和非线性破坏准则,对水平圆形浅埋锚板上的填土建立 2个机动容许的速度场,获得非线性破坏准则条件下的圆形浅埋锚板极限抗拔力上限解和破坏模式.通过“切线法”引进变量,将锚板上填土的非线性抗剪强度指标 ct和φt作为变量参数,对锚板上部填土建立含有变量的速度场,根据外力功率与内部耗能相等原理求出极限抗拔力的目标函数与约束条件,最后根据“序列二次规划算法”对该问题进行优化.数值分析表明:当非线性破坏准则变为线性破坏准则时,结果与前人的成果一致,说明本文方法的正确性;非线性参数的变化对水平浅埋圆形锚板的破坏范围和极限抗拔力均有重要影响,且破坏范围与极限抗拔力具有显著的相关性.
Based on the nonlinear M-C failure criterion, the ultimate pull-out capacity of shallow circle anchorswas studied by means of the kinematical approach of limit analysis theory. A knematically admissible failuremechanism was considered and the nonlinear shear strength parameters (internal friction angle φt and cohesiveforce ct) were treated as variable parameters. The objective functions of the ultimate pull-out capacity wereobtained by equating the work rate of external forces to internal dissipation along the velocity discontinuity plane.At last, the upper bound solutions for the objective functions were presented by applying a nonlinear sequentialquadratic programming algorithm. The numerical results show that if the nonlinear M-C yield criterion turns intoa linear M-C yield criterion, the solutions presented in this paper compare reasonably well with the resultspresented in the existing literatures. Nonlinear failure parameter has a significant effect on the ultimate pull-outcapacity and the failure region, and there exists a dependency correlation between the failure mechanism boundand the ultimate pull-out capacity.