Unprecedented development along tropical shorelines is causing severe degradation of coral reefs primarily from increase in sedimentation from dredging and terrestrial runoff. Sediment particles smother reef organisms and reduce light available for photosynthesis. Excessive sedimentation can adversely affect the structure and function of the coral reef ecosystem by altering both physical and biological process, Heavy sedimentation is associated with fewer coral species, less live coral, lower coral growth rates, greater abundance of branching forms, reduced coral recruitment decreased calcification, decreased net productivity of corals, and slower reef accretion rates. Coral species have different capabilities of clearing of themselves of sediment particles or surviving lower light levels. Sediment rejection is a function of morphology, orientation, growth habit, and behavior; and of the amount and type of sediment. To effectively assess trends on coral reefs, e,g. changes in abundance and spatial arrangement of dominant benthic organisms, scientists must start using standardized monitoring methods. Long-term data sets are critical for tracking these complex ecosystems. This paper reviewed the effects of sedimentation from dredging and terrestrial runoff to coral reefs and reef organisms, and pointed out the future research needs in order to provide reference for coral reef conservation.