This paper presents a study on discharge scheduling of cascade reservoirs considering ecological base flow and flood flow to relieve or partly eliminate the negative impacts of dam construction activities on ecology, via a case study of the Longtan-Yantan cascade reservoirs on the Hongshui River using its monthly minimum ecological flow and ecological flow of monthly appropriate frequency and considering special flood peak demands by four major Chinese carps. According to the features of ecological demands, we have examined scheduling schemes for four types of constraints respectively, i.e. basic engineering constraint, minimum ecological flow constraint, monthly frequency-appropriate ecological flow constraint, and artificial peak-minimum ecological flow constraint. In the case of final constraint, three sub-schemes were adopted for three different magnitudes of artificial flood peak respectively. For the four schemes, losses in power generation benefit were compared and analyzed. Results show that a simple adoption of higher ecological flows reduces power generation benefit significantly and a scheduling scheme combining artificial peak with minimum ecological flow is able to compensate the water demand by the specific biology downstream.