The depletion of Neutralization Potential(NP) and Acid Potential(AP) and the determination of available AP and available NP in pyrite acidification process were studied by using kinetic flood leaching in humidity cell.50 cycles kinetic test for the studied sample shows that:(1)The rate of NP and AP depletion changed nonlinearly.The average rate of NP depletion(VNP) is almost same as the average rate of AP deletion(VAP) before onset of acid rock drainage(drainage pH=4).VAP is more than 2 VNP after onset of acid rock drainage(ARD);(2) Fe3+ speeds the sulphide oxidation and VAP together with the rate of mineral dissolution increased by over 4 times after drainage pH3;(3) The NP availability controlling ARD is less than 50% and NP availability keeping drainage neutral is less than 30%.The AP availability causing ARD is more than 75% and ARD will last more than 30 years.