将新采摘的日本苦苣菜(Sonchus oleraceus L.)粉碎后用甲醇浸泡,浸出液依次用正已烷、乙酸乙酯和氯仿萃取,制得相应的提取物。乙酸乙酯提取物被进一步采用柱层析及高效液相色谱分离,得到三种化合物。利用红外光谱、^1H—NMR、^13C-NMR方法对得到的化合物进行结构表征,证实其分别为β-谷甾醇、脱镁叶绿酸甲酯(Phaeophorbide—a methyl ester),和10-羟基脱镁叶绿酸甲酯Methyl(10s)-hydroxypheophorbide;其含量分别占乙酸乙酯提取物的0.0234%,0.115%和0.030%。
The whole plant of Sonchus oleraceus L. was soaked hy the methanol, and the extracts was extracted hy EtOAe. the EtOAe extracts was separated by the silica gel Chromatography and HPLC, and three compounds was given. The structure of the compounds were determinded by IR, ^1H-NMR and ^13C-NMIR. The result shows the compounds are β-sitosterol ,Phaeophorbide-a methyl ester and Methyl (10S)-hydroxyphaeophorbide.