运用案例分析研究方法,分析了奥林匹克标志的司法保护实践。介绍和分析了美国法院关于奥林匹克标志侵权纠纷的4个典型案例:旧金山文娱与体育公司诉美国奥林匹克委员会案;O-M Bread诉美国奥林匹克委员会案;“禁止奥林匹克监狱”诉美国奥林匹克委员会案;美国奥林匹克委员会诉美国传媒公司案。重点探讨了这些案例所涉及的奥林匹克标志侵权判定标准和合理使用问题。我国法院在审理奥林匹克纠纷时可以借鉴国外法院的经验,以正确界定奥林匹克标志保护的政策界限,在“加强保护”和“允许合理使用”之间寻求利益平衡。
This article analyzed the judicial protection of Olympic insignia used the case study method. Four typical cases tried by U.S. courts were introduced and analyzed. The key problem was on the judgment standard of infringement and how to reasonable use of Olympic insignia. At last, the authors suggested that Chinese courts can learn these experiences from U.S. courts in dealing with involving infringement of Olympic insignia in order to search a balance of interests between "strengthen the protection of Olympic insignia" and "fair use of Olympic insignia".