The relations between several different forms of Wigner's theorem are investigated, the descriptions of the theorem in terms of physics and geometry are given. By using operator theory and operator algebra, the equivalence between these different forms of propositions is proved. The results show that if the surjection T: R1 (H) R1 (K) preserves the inner product between unit rays, the surjection S:R(H)→R(K) preserves the inner prod- uct between rays, the surjection Ф : P1 (H) →P1 (K) preserves the trace of the product of rank-one projections, and the surjection W:H→K preserves the inner product between vectors, then there exists unit or anti-unitary operators U:H→K, such that Uy∈Tx,r(Uy)=Sx,Φ(Px)=UPxU*andW(x)=φ(x)U(x) ,in which φ:H→C satisfies |φ(x)| =1.