Objective: To define the key region of LAMR1 to interact with hPER1. Methods: With cassette mutagenesis, pGADT7-Rec/hLamr1201-295 was mutated, targeting the sequence RDP, EEI, EKE and EQA at carboxyl terminal, respectively. And the interaction between PER1 and four kinds of mutated LAMR1201-295 were further identified using a yeast two-hybrid system. Results: Clones containing bHLH-PAS domain of Per1 and Lamrl could be seen in SD/-Leu/-Trp, SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp and SD-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp selection mediums. The blue stain was also obviously observed in colony-lift filter 13-galactosidase assay. Conclusions: hPER1 could interact with all mutant LAMR1, which suggested that the sequence RDPEEIEKEEQA at carboxyl terminal is not necessary for the interaction to occur.