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基于18S rRNA的中国大陆沿海石磺科贝类分类的初步分析
  • ISSN号:0254-5853
  • 期刊名称:动物学研究
  • 时间:0
  • 页码:381-386
  • 分类:Q959.212.6[生物学—动物学] Q349.1[生物学—遗传学]
  • 作者机构:[1]上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海201306
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金项目(30972259); 上海市教委重点学科项目(J50701)
  • 相关项目:中国大陆沿海石磺科贝类形态结构比较及系统分类研究

对采自上海崇明、福建宁德、海南海口等沿海地区9个群体的石磺科贝类进行外部形态特征差异分析和内部结构比较,在初步分类基础上利用核糖体小亚基18S rRNA基因部分序列对9个群体进行系统发育分析,以菊花螺为外群,结合GenBank上石磺科4个18S rRNA基因序列构建系统发生树来探讨我国大陆沿海石磺科属种间的亲缘关系。结果显示:我国石磺科贝类南方沿海种类多于北方沿海;除报道的瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)和石磺(O.verruculatum)外,可能还有新记录5种:Onchidium属1种、Platevindex属2种、Peronia属1种和Paraoncidium属1种。分子系统发生树显示,我国大陆沿海石磺科9个群体可分为4个亚群,分别为Onchidium、Platevindex、Paraoncidium、Peronia,其中Peronia亚群的置信度较高;Onchidium verruculatum应更名为Peronia verruculata。


As a nutritious mollusk living in the intertidal zone,Onchidiidae has a significant value for biological research.Nine populations were collected from the costal areas such as Chongming(Shanghai),Ningde(Fujian),Haikou(Hainan) in this study.Through the study of anatomy and other methods to investigate the major category characteristics,the nine populations were preliminary classified.By sequencing segments of 18S rRNA gene and constructing phylogenetic trees using these nine populations and four other 18S rRNA gene sequences from GenBank,with Siphonaria as an outgroup,we analyzed the phylogeny of Onchidiidae in mainland China.The trees were used for discussing the relationship between the populations of the Onchidiidae in this study.The results showed that the southern coast has more populations than the northern coast in China.Besides two known species,Onchidium struma(JZH) and O.verruculatum(FJZ HNZ),five new recorded species may exist:Onchidium(1),Platevindex(2),one Peronia(1) and Paraoncidium(1).The phylogenetic trees indicated that the nine populations can be divided into four subgroups,Peronia,Onchidium,Platevindex and Paraoncidium,and Peronia has the highest confidence level in clustering.Onchidium verruculatum(FJZ HNZ) should be Peronia verruculata.
