本文运用三维对流云模式对美国SPACE计划(South Park Area Cumulus Experiment)1977年7月19日SouthPark地区一例强对流风暴进行了模拟,目的是考察不同云微物理过程对风暴的影响。不同微物理方案模拟对比有助于我们加深对风暴内部微物理过程的了解。结果表明,不同微物理方案模拟的风暴内部动力场、强度有所不同。不考虑冰相过程的暖雨方案,模拟的风暴最弱;冰相过程中仅考虑冻结/融化潜热释放,模拟的风暴强度在后期稍弱。由于降水绝大部分由霰、雹转变而来,以及霰、雹粒子对运动场的影响及其相变潜热作用,冰相过程中如果不考虑霰、雹的模拟方案,模拟风暴的动力场及降水场都发生改变。
In this study, an intense thunderstorm case, observed in South Park Area Cumulus Experiment (SPACE) of the United States on 19 July 1977, is numerically simulated by using three dimensional cloud model. The purpose of work is to verify the effects of cloud microphysical processes on the simulated storm. By comparing the three different experiments designed with the control simulation experiment, we can understand the microphysics processes of intense thunderstorms well. In the first experi- ment, the prognostic equations of cloud ice, snow, graupel and hail are excluded from the control simulation, only the warm- rain physics is allowed. The simulation results are weakest in three experiments. The second experiment only considers the latent heat of fusion for phase changes occurring below the temperature of 0 ℃, and results are weaker in the latter period than the control simulation. In the third experiment, graupel and hail phases are removed from the control simulation. Exclusion of graupel and hail implies the neglect of phase changes, latent heats, and fallout, thus modifying the dynamics and precipitation fields.