A novel and normalized Z-transforms finite-difference time-domain (ZTFDTD)method is presented, in which a more general form of Maxwell's equations using the E, H, D fields was employed. The iterative model of D-E-H-D was obtained by using the Z-Transform resulted frequency- dependent formula between D and E. ZTFDTD method is discrete and simple, whose results are precise, easy to program and h to deal with the key technologies of FDTD, such as absorbing boundary conditions (UPML), near-to-far-field transformation. Thus, this method was used to simulate the interaction of electromagnetic wave with plasma. The stealth effect of inhomogeneous, unmagnetized plasma was studied using a simplified two-dimension mode both in different electron density of plasma, different electromagnetic wave frequencies and different plasma collision frequencies. Numerical results indicate that plasma stealth is effective theoretically, and reasonable selection with the plasma parameters can selected reasonably to enhance the effectiveness of plasma stealth remarkably.