为了科学制定鸭的禽流感疫苗免疫程序,进行了以下三方面的试验:①不同品种雏鸭母源抗体消长情况测定.结果表明,5~7日龄雏鸭AI-HI抗体可维持较高水平,15~17日龄下降至4.0log2以下.②疫苗首免后抗体检测.结果表明,鸭首次免疫后2周可测出AI-HI抗体,4周时达到高峰;抗体水平持续4周后开始下降.肉鸭免疫一次抗体水平差异较大,不能完全预防禽流感的发生.③肉种鸭及蛋种鸭免疫程序及抗体消长规律的测定.结果表明,7~14日龄初免,60日龄二次免疫和120日龄加强免疫(三次免疫),种鸭的AI-HI抗体水平最高分别可达到9log2、11 log2,二次免疫后8个月其AI-HI平均抗体水平为5.6 log2,三次免疫后10个月其AI-HI平均抗体水平为7.6 log2以上.
In order to scientifically make the immune procedure of avian influenza vaccine for duck,three tests including the detection of the variety of maternal antibody levels in different breeds,the antibody detection after first immunization,and the relationship of immune procedure and antibody levels variety were made.The results showed that the AI-HI antibody levels of 1 week old ducks were relative higher,and then dropped to 4 log2 or even lower at 15 to 17 days old.The AIHI antibody in ducks was detected at 2 weeks after first immunization,and antibody level reached peak at four weeks after first immunization (4.8log2).The antibody level was stable 4 weeks and then began to drop.The antibody levels in meat ducks had great difference after first immunization.AIV was not prevented completely.The AI-HI antibody level of breeding ducks reached to 9~11 log2 when the ducks got first immunization at 8 days old,the second immunization at 60 days old,and booster immunization were at 120 days old.The antibody level maintained at 6~9 log2 after 10 months.