Scientific and Technical journals always face competition from others in the same subject or field. Journal's absolute value of impact and the similarity between target journal and others have closely relation to the competition intensity. We class 1998 journals covered in CSTPCD 2011 as 61 subjects group according to CJCR and each journal belongs to only one subject. Thus every subject could be understood as one ecology system made of journals and be measured with the concepts of Competition Intensity in field of plant. The source data is CSTPCD 2011 and the indicator of Total Cites is defined as the absolute value of impact for each journal. For all 61 subjects, we calculate the mutual citation matrix, the cosine similarity matrix, and the competition relation matrix. Then we get each journal's competition pressure and competition intensity for each subject. Analyzing the sample of 35 journals in physics group, we find that the values of competition pressure are very different among those journals, which is resulted by very different total cites and cosine similarity. We also notice that there are vast different among the values of competition intensity in subjects: the values in muhidisciplinary subjects and engineering subjects are lower while most of which in medicine subjects are higher. Furthermore, we find the value is higher in the subjects in which there are 20 to 50 subjects than the value in other subject in with there are less or more journals. The result of this research will be useful to understand journal's competition environment and make right schedule decision for both the operator and manager of scientific and technical Journals.