为克服微机械倾角传感器在动态下受加速度干扰的缺陷,利用硬件电路和软件处理技术,研制出抑制加速度干扰的微机械二维倾角传感器。根据微机械倾角传感器和微机械角速度陀螺的输出特点建立了抑制加速度干扰的数学理论模型,设计了抑制加速度干扰程序,利用信号处理技术,实现了抑制加速度干扰。性能测试结果表明,当线振动振幅为0.5~1.5 mm,振动频率为20~40 Hz,角振动振幅为1°~3.5°,振动频率在2~5 Hz时,抑制加速度干扰的能力大于94%。
The structure and the signal processing technology of the restraining acceleration interference in the mircomachined two-dimension tilt sensor and are introduced.The mathematical theory model of restraining acceleration interference is set up,and the signal processing and software flowchart are mainly interpreted.The performance test shows that the ability of restraining acceleration interference is greater than 94% on both linear vibration and angle vibration module:When the vibration amplitude ranges from 0.5mm to 1.5 mm,vibration frequency ranges from 20Hz to 40Hz.When the vibration amplitude ranges from 1°to 3.5°,the vibration frequency ranges from 2Hz to 5Hz.