开展了钛合金材料高温疲劳试验研究。试验共设计3种工况,即:200℃,0.5 k N-22.5 k N-0.5 k N力加载循环;300℃,0.5 k N-22.5 k N-0.5 k N力加载循环;200℃,0.5 k N-30 k N-0.5 k N力加载循环,每种工况下分配试样数为5个~7个。引入“肖维奈准则”对试验数据进行了筛选,通过寿命分布模型的检验,得到其有效数据点遵循正态分布模型的结论。根据试验数据分析了母体在三种工况下的中值疲劳寿命以及存活率为99.9%的疲劳安全寿命估计量,为相应工程提供基础数据。
Considering the high-temperature fatigue test for titanium alloy in three experimental conditions, namely 200℃, 0.5 kN-22.5 kN-0.5 kN testing condition, 300℃, 0.5 kN-22.5 kN-0.5 kN testing condition, and 200℃, 0.5 kN-30 kN-0.5 kN testing condition, each condition was assigned to the number of 5 to 7. By the introduction of the "Chauvenet Criterion", the test aborts the suspicious test point, and the result of the life distribution model examination is that the effective data follows a normal distribution model. On the basis of test data, the paper calculates the value of the median fatigue life and the fatigue safe life corresponding to the survival rate of 99.9%, which can be used in different project requirements.