In order to study the thermal-moisture dynamics of railway embankment in cold regions, the mois-ture, precipitation, temperature and heat flux data within embankments were extensively measured at ballast covered roadbed, ballastless gravel roadbed and natural ground in the embankment test section of Beiluhe per-mafrost region. Based on the observed data, the features of soil thermal-moisture migration, moisture accu-mulation and the effects of rainfall on the active layer of the embankment were analyzed. The results indicate that the temperatures in the active layer of the embankment varies sinusoidally with time. The ballast layer can effectively prevent the external heat flux reaching internal embankment and keeps a lower annual average value and annual range of temperature than the gravel roadbed. Water migrated towards the freezing front during the freezing process. Liquid water and rainfall infiltrate into the permafrost table during the thawing period. Heavy and sustained rainfall events have significant effects on short-term thermal-moisture dynamics in shallow subgrade(〈75 cm). But long-term thermal-moisture is not affected by rainfall and there are no obvious mois-ture accumulations in the embankment. The influence of the transport of liquid water and water vapor caused by rainfall infiltration and evaporation on the thermal-moisture dynamics of railway embankment should not be neglected.