设计了一种没有隔离器的单壁碳纳米管双向被动锁模光纤孤子激光器.该光纤激光器由波分复用器、掺铒光纤、光耦合器、碳纳米管、单模光纤和偏振控制器组成.在环形腔的两个相反方向上,同时实现基于碳纳米管饱和吸收体的被动锁模,得到两个反向稳定脉冲序列.调节激光腔中的偏振控制器以及泵浦激光源,分析该实验装置在不同泵浦功率下的输出特性.结果表明,中心波长变化范围为1 558~1 560nm,顺时针脉冲宽度变化范围为854~959ps,逆时针脉冲宽度变化范围为247~624ps.此外,泵浦功率较大时,逆时针方向上脉冲序列分裂.
The bidirectional operation of a single-wall carbon nanotube-based passively mode-locked erbium-doped soliton fiber laser without isolator,is demonstrated with stable output pulse trains simultaneously from both directions of the laser cavity.The fiber laser consists of wavelength division multiplexer,erbium-doped fiber,optical coupler,carbon nanotube,single-mode fiber and polarization controller.By adjusting the pump power and polarization controller to analyse the output characteristics of experimental device under different pump powers,the center wavelengths of the two opposite pulses can be changed from 1 558~1 560 nm.The clockwise pulse width can be varied from 854~959ps.The counter clockwise pulse width can be changed from 247~624ps.Especially,the pulse split of the counterclockwise pulse trains has been observed.