以已有的轻量级RSM掩码方案为研究对象,利用掩码汉明重量的差异提出了一种新型攻击方法,并在此基础上,利用加密过程中间值的汉明重量差异进行能量分析,将该攻击方法扩展成为了掩码汉明重量无差异的对抗方法.实验结果表明,本文的攻击方法可还原单次加密的掩码值,成功率达到93.1%,经DPA Contest官网所提供数据验证,该攻击方法可成功还原掩码并最终完成密钥恢复.
In this paper, we propose a new attack method based on the difference of the hamming weight in mask values to be against the lightweight masking scheme RSM. The new method processes the power analysis to restore the mask values and then breaks the keys of encryption algorithm. The proposed method also can be extended to break the masking scheme without difference in the hamming weight of mask values. The experimental result showed that our method could restore mask values in each encryption and the success rate reached 93.1 %. Using the public data- base of power traces provided by DPA Contest, the proposed method successfully recovered the mask values and final- ly extracted the key.