根据收集到的广西南宁盆地泥岩抗滑灌注桩6组现场水平静载试验资料,利用现场试验数据反算泥岩的地基水平抗力系数的比例系数m值,得到强风化泥岩的m值取值范围为12~63 MN/m4,平均值为30.5 MN/m4。在计算过程中,对小位移的抗滑灌注桩计算m值时的荷载和位移取值进行了讨论,结论为小位移的抗滑灌注桩m值取临界荷载对应的位移进行计算时m值偏大,应适当降低m值对应的位移。
According to the collected static load test data of six anti-slide filling piles composed of mudstone in Nanning Basin of Cuangxi Province, field test data is used to inversely calculate proportion factor M value of horizontal resistance of mudstone foundation, highly weathered mudstone m value ranges from 12 MN/m4 to 63 MN/m4, with its average value of 30.5MN/m4. The load and displacement value of small-displacement anti-slide filling pile in the calculation of m value is also discussed. It is concluded that m value of small-displacement anti-slide filling piles corresponding to displacement under critical load is too large, so them value corresponding to displacement shall be reduced properly.