Let L = L0+V be the higher order Schrdiger type operator where L0 is a homogeneous elliptic operator of order 2m in divergence form with bounded coefficients and V is a real measurable function as multiplication operator(e.g., including(-?)m+V(m∈N) as special examples). In this paper, assume that V satisfies a strongly subcritical form condition associated with L0, the authors attempt to establish a theory of Hardy space Hp L(Rn)(0 < p ≤ 1) associated with the higher order Schrdinger type operator L. Specifically, we first define the molecular Hardy space Hp L(Rn) by the so-called( p, q, ε, M) molecule associated to L and then establish its characterizations by the area integral defined by the heat semigroup e-t L.
Let L = L0 + V be the higher order Schrodiger type operator where L0 is a homogeneous elliptic operator of order 2m in divergence form with bounded coeffi- cients and V is a real measurable function as multiplication operator (e.g., including (-△)m+v (m∈N) as special examples). In this paper, assume that V satisfies a strongly subcritical form condition associated with L0, the authors attempt to establish a the- HL (R) (0 〈 p ≤ 1) associated with the higher order Schrodinger ory of Hardy space P n type operator L. Specifically, we first define the molecular Hardy space Hp (JRn) by the so-called (p, q,ε, M) molecule associated to L and then establish its characterizations by the area integral defined by the heat semigroup e-tL.