Business environment and competition among firms are becoming increasingly dyunmic and intanse becanse of the rapid developmant of economic globalization. The industry and academia are particularly interested in learning how to enhance firms' capabilities to facilitate environmental adaptability and achieve excellent performance. As a higher-order capability, dynamic capability enables firms to reconstruct their various resources and capabilities to adapt to turbulent business environment. Some scholars consider the dynamic capability as an important factor affecting firm's performance. Social ties, which are the firm's informal and valuable resources in Chinese cultural context, play significant roles in substituting the formal rules to some extent and improving the process of operation and resources acquisition. Thus, social ties are also beneficial to firm's performance. However, the current literature has inconsistent findings about how dynamic capability and social ties influence firm's performance. Some scholars believe dynamic capability and social ties have a direct effect on firm's performance, while some other scholars argue there are mediating variables between these relationships. In addition, some research finds that under different environmental dynamisms, the relationship between dynamic capability and performance would be different because environmental dynamism may have moderating effect on the relationship. Unfortunately, there is no verification in the research about whether and how the relationship between dynamic capability and performance varies under different environmental dynamisms. This situation is also applied to the relationship between social ties and performance. Therefore, this paper carefully analyzes the mechanism of dynamic capability, social ties and firm's performance on basis of dynamic capability theory and social capital theory. Moreover, this study examines the mediating effect of operational capability and moderating effect of environmental dynamism. This