基于ITT Visual Information Solutions公司的快速大气校正模块QUAC(Quick Atmosphere Correction),采用静止轨道海洋水色卫星(GOCI)数据实现对杭州湾及其邻近海域高浓度悬浮泥沙含量的快速反演,研究表明:1)经QUAC大气校正后得到的真实地表反射率比值与海洋遥感反射率比值基本一致,表明QUAC是一种适用于高浊度水体且快速简便的大气校正方法;2)悬浮泥沙反演结果显示,杭州湾及其邻近海域的悬浮泥沙含量的日变化主要受潮水作用的影响,月季变化主要受长江冲淡水流量季节、季风以及涌潮等影响,杭州湾北部芦潮港沿岸和庵东沿岸悬浮泥沙长期处于高值,为典型的淤积水域.冬季,苏北浅滩的悬浮泥沙在苏北沿岸流的作用下,可穿过长江口,是杭州湾悬浮泥沙的来源之一.由此可见,GOCI小时分辨率的观测能力使得对杭州湾及其邻近海域悬浮泥沙含量动态变化的准实时观测成为可能.
GOCI satellite data is adopted to retrieve high concentrations of suspended sediments in coastal waters of Hangzhou Bay by Envi/QUAC atmospheric correction technique. The results demonstrate that : 1) The obtained real surface reflectance of remote sensing corrected by QUAC is roughly equal to the in-situ measurements, sugges ring that QUAC is a valid atmospheric correction in coastal and estuarine waters with high turbidity; 2) The re trieved suspended sediment concentration shows that the high concentrations of suspended sediments mainly distribute in Luchaogang port and Andong, Northern Hangzhou Bay, belonging to the depositing environment; tidal currents play a key role in controlling the diurnal migration of suspended sediments; the monthly variation of suspended sediment is basically affected by seasonally varied flux of Changjiang River Diluted Water (CDW), monsoon and Qiantangjiang bore. Sediments transported by Subei coastal current can cross Changjiang Estuary and reach Northern Hangzhou Bay in winter, therefore they are one of the sources of suspended sediments of Hangzhou Bay. Our research exhibits the high capability of GOCI to observe the turbulence of the suspended sediment in Hangzhou Bay for its high temporal resolution.