The evolution of atomic structures and equivalent stress-intensity-factors Keff of cracks in single-crystal nano- diamond, in whieh mixed-mode ( Ⅰ/Ⅱ) displacement loads were applied approximately by boundary-layer-disk model, were investigated by use of molecular dynamics simulation based on the second-generation Brenner potential. It was found that, fracture configurations and critical equivalent stress-intensity-factors Keff were anisotropic for (001) [ 100 ] and (110) [ 110 ] cracks. Keff of (010) [ 100 ] cracks that embedded in diamond did not change significantly during the increase of loading angle θ. Moreover, Keff. of (110) [ 110] cracks increased substantially during further increasing θ when 0 〉 60° ,which shows the different nature of the two cracks propagating in diamond.