According to indoor simulating rainfall experiments, the effects of interval rain events and fertiliza- tion sites on the runoff process, sediment losses and solute transport to runoff on red soil slopes were investi- gated using bromine (Br-) as a tracer to represent a non-adsorbed mobile chemical. Results showed that, the total runoff yields had no significant difference for 3 rainfall events, while the sediment yield in the 3rd rainfall event was 7 times and 2.2 times greater than that in the 1st and the 2nd rainfall event, respectively. The significant decrease in soil antiscouribility with increasing antecedent soil water content was one of the dominant reasons for red soil erosion. The Br- concentrations in runoff were described by a power decay model for 3 rainfall events, independent of the solute application positions. The more close to the bottom of the slope fertilization sites were, the higher initial solute concentration became and the faster Br- concentra- tion decayed. It had a significantly positive linear relationship between the amounts of Br- loss in runoff and the distances from the fertilization position to the top of the slope. Through estimating the source of solute loss for the 3 interval rain events, the average ratio of the amount of Br- loss with runoff, which once leached into soil during the last rainfall event, increased from 81.61% to 93.76%. This result showed that the fertilizer leaching on the upslope significantly affected the ratio of runoff nutrient losses for the successive rainfall events.