Researches on the complicted signal transport belween components of elevator control system. In view of the prot)lenl lhat the traditional mo(lel-buihling method ean't describe the statie and dynamic semantics, from the stan(lpoinl of the components and eonneetors of the software ar- chitecture, diseusses the properties of XYZ/ADL about describing the system models as a kind of description language. Describes the general function specification elevalor control system by XYZ/ADL. as well as the structural models of tile major components, the dynamic models of sig- nal transport between components and the elevator rtmning models. Realizes simulation based on the established formal models. The simulation result shows that the formal models based on XYZ/ADL can analyse truly the complicated signal transpori between components of elevator (.ontrol system and simulate accurately every conditinns of the elevator.