The difference of elem ent contents am ong lim estone, m arl and their insoluble residue andcom bustible residues of Devonian Tuqiaozi Form ation in Ganxi section, Longm enshan area is discussedon the basis of geochemical analysis. It is show ed that there is a great difference of m ajor elem entscontents, such as SiO2 , Al2O3 , Fe2O3 , K2O , TiO2, in lim estone and m arl, but no difference ininsoluble residues. In addition, the content difference of insoluble residues and burned residues is verysm all. T he correlation coefficients am ong elem ents, insoluble residues and burned residues are greaterthan 0.9 , indicating that they are m ainly from terrigenous detritus of consistent m aterial sources and the major elements are not affected by subsequent diagenesis. The content of some elements, such asM nO, MgO and S r, have little difference in limestone and marl. However? the difference slightlyincreases in insoluble residues and burned residues with correlation coefficients in the range of 0. 7?0? 9 , suggesting that they are mainly from terrigenous detritus, but influenced greatly by subsequentdiagenesis. The changes of element reflected by geochemical analysis of burned residues of limestoneand marl of Tuqiaozi Formation in Ganxi section are in accordance with that of insoluble residuesduring diagenesis, which can be used to study the stability of elements.