This paper chooses1503temporary poor farmers from16poor provinces in China by usingdiscriminant sampling method and makes a survey analysis of their economic characteristics,credit demandingand availability of credit.On this basis,we makes an empirical analysis on influencing factors of credit availabilityby using Probit models.The survey findings show that most of the temporary poor farmers have credit demanding,which is oriented to consumptionand production,but the credit availability is low,and accessing to formal finance ismore difficult than to non-formal.The empirical results show that household ers’education level,family income,social relations all have positive impact on the accessibility to credit.Household assets,population scale and healthsituation have positive impact on the availability of credit but is not significant;The families’social relationshipand its regional influence have a significant positive influence on the credit availability to informal finance;to someextent,the physical distance to financial institutions puts a repulsion effect on the credit availability.Visibly,the loweducation level of householders,less family income,poor social relationship and far physical distance are the importantinfluencing factors to poor credit availability for poor farmers.