For total variant image deblurring problem, it was proposed a total variant image deblurring algorithm based on split bregman method, which applied split bregman method to optimizing and solving the problem model. Firstly, taken advantage of auxiliary variable and quadratic penalty function, total variant image deblun'ing optimization problem was converted into a uncon- straint optimization problem. Secondly,based on Bregman iterative,the problem was divided into two sub-problems and use the alternative minimization method to solving. Thirdly, according to the characteristic of subproblern structure, the Discrete Fourier Trans-form and Shrinkage technologies were used to implement the fast computation of sub-problems. The experimental results indicate that with different size blurry kernels, our algorithm can recover image effectively and steadily. Fuithennore, compraring with FFVd and IRN deblurring methods, our algorithm can obtain better recovery results, and compute faster.