提出了高速场景下基于到达角(DoA,direction of arrival)的大规模多输入多输出(MIMO,multiple input multiple output)波束成形设计。同时,为了保证高铁在运行过程中获得最佳的系统容量,提出一种迭代的最优多波束选择方法。该方法能实时跟踪高铁不同的移动车厢终端(MCT,mobile carriage terminal),自适应选择不同波束所需的发射天线数和自适应调节波束总数目,且不需要信道状态信息(CSI,channel state information),从而降低系统复杂度和节省开销。数值结果表明,与传统方法相比所提方法能有效适应高速移动场景,提高系统容量。
A direction of arrival based (DoA-based) beamforming of massive MIMO was proposed for high-speed rail-way scenarios. In order to guarantee that the optimal system capacity can be obtained during traveling, an iterative mul-ti-beams scheme was proposed. It aimed to design different beams for different mobile carriage terminals (MCT) respec-tively. The proposal adaptively selected the number of antennas for each beam, and adaptively designed the number of beams according to system capacity. Moreover, the scheme didn’t need channel state information (CSI) that can reduce system implementation complexity and cost. Numerical results indicate that the proposed scheme is suitable for high-speed scenarios, the system performance can be improved more efficiently compared to conventional methods.