The relativistic heavy-ion collisions create bothhot quark-gluon matter and strong magnetic fields, andprovide an arena to study the interplay between quantumchromodynamics and quantum electrodynamics. In recentyears, it has been shown that such an interplay can generatea number of interesting quantum phenomena in hadronicand quark-gluon matter. In this short review, we first discusssome properties of the magnetic fields in heavy-ioncollisions and then give an overview of the magnetic fieldinducednovel quantum effects. In particular, we focus onthe magnetic effect on the heavy flavor mesons, the heavyquarktransports, and the phenomena closely related tochiral anomaly.
The relativistic heavy-ion collisions create both hot quark-gluon matter and strong magnetic fields, and provide an arena to study the interplay between quantum chromodynamics and quantum electrodynamics. In recent years, it has been shown that such an interplay can generate a number of interesting quantum phenomena in hadronic and quark-gluon matter. In this short review, we first discuss some properties of the magnetic fields in heavy-ion collisions and then give an overview of the magnetic field-induced novel quantum effects. In particular, we focus on the magnetic effect on the heavy flavor mesons, the heavy-quark transports, and the phenomena closely related to chiral anomaly.