【目的】分析海拔环境差异对水稻雌配子体基因型选择及其对后代表型遗传分化的影响,为研究植物表型对海拔环境的遗传响应及利用海拔差异进行雌配子体选择育种的方法提供理论参考。【方法】利用2个滇1型细胞质雄性不育系与耐寒粳稻地方老品种杂交,在4个具有明显海拔背景差异的试验点构建并种植了7个水稻F1雌配子体基因型选择群体及其28个F2遗传分离群体,通过估算这些世代群体的形态性状差异来检测不同海拔条件对雌配子体基因型频率变化和后代表型遗传分化的影响。【结果】对F1雌配子体基因型选择群体的形态性状分析发现,在4个不同海拔点都检测到8个性状发生了偏分离,说明海拔背景差异对F1雌配子体基因型具有选择作用,且在2 200和400 m两种海拔环境的影响都大于海拔1 860和1 250 m;产生于海拔1 860 m群体的形态性状多样性指数最大,据此随产生海拔的升高和降低,其多样性指数均减小;差异性比较显示产生于2 200 m高海拔的群体几乎与其他3个海拔产生的群体在所有性状上的差异都达显著水平。对种植于不同海拔环境的28个F2遗传分离群体的形态性状分析,结果显示海拔差异导致的雌配子体基因型选择影响其F2群体的表型遗传分化,且产生海拔差异越大,其后代表型分化就越明显。经2 200和400 m选择过的分离群体,在7个性状上检测出21处差异达显著水平;经1 860和1 250 m选择过的分离群体,仅在3个性状上检测出6处差异达显著水平。总体变化趋势是,经高海拔2 200 m选择的群体,种植在不同海拔表现结实率高、整体生长势较差,而经低海拔400 m选择的群体的性状表现与高海拔的相反,经中海拔1 860和1 250 m选择过的群体表现多居于高、低海拔之间,但群体形态性状多样性指数较大。【结论】海拔环境差异对水稻F1雌配子体基因型具有选择作用,进而影响其
[Objective] Understanding of rice female gametophyte genotype selection effect and its progeny phenotypic genetic differentiation at different altitude condition could be given a reference for developing breeding method of female gametophyte genotype selection affected by altitude-based change. [Method] Four sites with obvious altitude difference were selected to produce and grow seven F1 female gametophyte genotype selection (FGGS) populations and its 28 F2 progeny segregation (PS) populations generated by crosses between two rice CMS-D1 lines and two cold tolerant japonica landrances, respectively, and then through analysis of the variation of morphological characters of these populations to learn whether the presentations of female gametophyte genotypic frequency variation and its progeny phenotypic genetic differentiation were associated with different altitude backgrounds. [Result] Eight morphological characters of the F1 FGGS populations at the four altitude sites were detected that significant genetic segregation distortions caused by female gametophyte genotype selection which derived from the effect of different altitude conditions, and the influence of two altitudes at 2 200 m and 400 m was greater than that of 1 860 m and 1 250 m, respectively. However, the FGGS populations produced at the altitude of 1 860 m presented the greatest diversity index of morphological characters, and then the index decreased with increase or reduction of the altitude. Comparison of the character variations of these FGGS populations generated at the four altitudes showed a significant difference between at 2 200 m and the other three altitudes. In addition, significant phenotypic genetic differentiation, which resulted from selection of the F1 female gametophyte genotypes affected by different altitude backgrounds, was screened in their all 28 F2 PS populations grown at the four altitudes, and also found bigger segregation while the selection derived from the largely different altitude environments. There