绿色基础设施能有效改善人居环境、缓解生态问题,国外相关研究成果与实践对我国绿色基础设施研究与规划均具有借鉴、启示意义。文章通过整理分析2006~2016年Elsevier和Springer Link数据库中关于绿色基础设施的文献发现,文献数量在2010年后呈现快速增加的趋势。同时发现,国外绿色基础设施规划强调自然生态功能优先,重视对社会经济规律的挖掘和利用,深入利用宏观格局演变及城市类型学比较规律进行整体调控,突出评估机制及管理模式对规划的支撑。国外研究的相关进展启示国内研究及规划建设应加强功能规律探索,强化定量技术的应用及规划指导,注重部门协同管控,不断探索更为科学、高效的管理模式及机制。
Green infrastructure may improve living environment and ecology, overseas studies and practice brings illumination to Chinese green infrastructural development. The paper makes a review of research literature on green infrastructure from Elsevier and Springer Link from 2006 to 2016. Since 2010 papers of this topic have increased dramatically. The study finds that green infrastructure research highlight natural and ecological function, socio-economic rules, uses general layout and typology of cities for general control, evaluation mechanism and management model. Its illumination on Chinese green infrastructure studies include functional rule, quantitative technique, departmental coordination, high efficient management etc.