With the need of improving miniaturization of devices and the development of molecular devices, nano-and micro-scale molecular materials have attracted intense interest in the past decade. One-dimensional nanostructure has inherent anisotropy and benefits charge transport, so it can be served as a model system to study transport property. Polymer nanofibers with high porosity and large surface area can be fabricated quickly in a large scale by electrospinning, which is now an effective and important approach to prepare optoelectric functional polymer one-dimensional nanostructures. This paper reviews the fabrication of optoelectric functional polymer nanofibers by electrospinning process and their applications in organic field effect transistors, gas sensors and chemical electrodes etc. Additionaly, the future perspectives and the problems to be solved are provided. Other traditional methods for the preparation of polymer nanofibers, including template method, self-assembly and dip-pen printing are also described.