针对一般几何约束系统欠约束状态下约束分解的多样性,通过对剩余自由度的分析,提出了几何元素优先级的概念,给出了约束有向图生成算法,实现了对约束系统的优化分解。本算法在AutoCAD 2000提供的二次开发接口ObjectARX上成功实现,运行结果表明具有良好的约束求解效率。对于欠约束系统的分解结果可以最大限度满足用户的需求。
Considering the diversities of constraints decomposition of geometric constraints system, geometric element priority is presented after analyzing the residual freedom, and constraint direct graph algorithm is also proposed. The optimal decomposition is achieved by this algorithm using ObjectARX of AutoCAD 2000. The decomposition can meet the user's requirements for the under-constraint system. This algorithm has universality for the geometric constraints system.