The traditional calculation method of VOT ( value of time) does not consider the influence of individual factors on VOT and the time-saving utilization. Based on the production method, the income method, and disaggregate Probit model, the paper develops a new calculation method of VOT by introducing the time-saving utilization coefficient. With the new method and the travel survey data in Nanhai, Foshan, the paper calculates traveler' s generalized travel cost and formulates a Logistic-based travel frequency forecasting model. According to the travel frequency forecasting and the sensitivity analysis, the paper evaluates the feasibility of the congestion pricing policy in Nanhai. The results indicate that the improved method, with consideration of the individual factors, can solve the problem of time-saving utilization and increase the accuracy of VOT calculation. Moreover, the improved method provides theoretical support for travel behavior analysis, travel demand forecasting, and transportation demand management policy evaluation.