Wenge Rong is an assistant professor at Beihang University, China. He received his PhD from University of Reading, UK in 2010; MS from Queen Mary College, University of London, UK in 2003; and BS from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China in 1996. He has many years of working experience as a senior software engi-neer in numerous research projects and commercial software prod- ucts. His area of research covers data mining, service computing,enterprise modelling, and information management. Baolin Peng received his BS in com- puter science from Yantai University, China in 2012. He is pursuing his MS in Beihang University, China. His re- search interests include machine learn- ing and natural language processing, information retrieval and etc. Yuanxin Ouyang is an associate profes- sor at Beihang University, China. She received her PhD, and BS from Bei- hang University, China in 2005, 1997, respectively. Her area of research cov- ers recommendation system, data min- ing, social networks and service com- puting.E-mail: oyyx@buaa.edu.cn Chao Li received his BS and PhD de- grees in computer science and technol- ogy from Beihang University, China in 1996 and 2005, respectively. Now he is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, China. Currently, he is working on data vitalization and computer vision. He is a member of IEEE. Zhang Xiong is a professor in School of Computer Science of Engineering of Beihang University, China and di- rector of the Advanced Computer Ap- plication Research Engineering Cen- ter of National Educational Ministry of China. He has published over 100 re- ferred papers in international journals and conference proceedings and won aNational Science and Technology Progress Award. His research in- terests and publications span from smart cities, knowledge manage- ment, information systems, intelligent transportation systems and etc.